today in books: kindle for pc

Kindle has been advancing more and more--I've been nothing but astonished at how the technology is moving forward. Now there are several competitors, such as the Sony reader and the Nook from Barnes & Noble.

Now Kindle has come up with a really good idea--Kindle for PC. If you don't have the 270 bucks to shell out for a specialty eBook reader, now you can just download it for your PC (and there's a Mac version in the works).

Although I am unable to download it for normal everyday use (I use Suse Linux and not Windows) I think this is definitely a convenient idea. Especially since it costs a total of nothing compared to $270 for the reader. And since most people already have laptops that run Windows (unfortunately) this is a great marketing opportunity for authors.

I'd encourage you to download this. If you're tight on money it would really save you quite a bit (and for your favorite books, nothing replaces the real paper stuff, so you can use the eBooks for pretty much everything else). If you've intended to buy my book but you've been short on funds, this would be a good opportunity to buy the Kindle version.

Very interesting idea, though--will the other publishing companies follow suit? You can discuss it by commenting on this post.


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