Cue fireworks...Cue fanfare...

I have finished the third and my final draft of Terminal Velocity! WOO!

This may not be as exciting to you, but this means that I send it off to Faith (my editor) and once she finishes I run a spell check and it's done. From there I format it and it goes to print, and then I have my launch event on Dec. 14. It's all going perfectly on schedule, folks.

You probably won't be able to make it to the book signing on the 14th. That's a-okay, because I will have a camera set up if I do a talk. If I don't do a talk, you will be able to buy the book online in hardcover for the same price as at the bookstore.

I'm very happy about this and will keep blogging with more exciting events and adventures in this book's life. If you haven't already bought Double Life, it's worth it to read it just because the second book is going to be even better. You can get your copy here.

Also, for some reason my blog's readership shot up over the past couple days. I'll keep watching that.



  1. Hey, that's awesome. I know the feeling of finishing a book and just sitting back and feeling kind of shocked. Good luck with the editing process. :) Wish I could see your book signing...but I live in Taiwan, and I don't think it's close to where you are. Good luck!

  2. Thanks Ari!

    Have you picked up a copy of Double Life yet?


  3. I'm really looking forward to the next book :-)

  4. Thanks Becky. You might get an advance copy for review, if you drop me a line requesting one. I'll see what I can do.

  5. Congratulations, Dawson. Best wishes and much success with your new book!

  6. Uh, no. Haven't seen it in any of the bookstores here.

  7. Thanks Clara!

    Ari--it isn't in bookstores, but you could get it from if they ship to Taiwan.


  8. I'll see if I can do that, if my parents are willing. Shipping stuff to Taiwan is kind of expensive...and the customs officials are kind of weird. Yeah. I'll check it out, though.

  9. Readership probably went up because you got a mention on antishurtugal:
