Day 9--Tagmybookonamazon Blog, LLBR review, Lulu blog interview, and ***100th SALE!!***

First of all, I celebrated my 100th sale on Sunday. Let's all clap our hands for that.

Second, my book was featured on the blog (a very well-visited blog) Tag My Book On Amazon. You can find it on the Tag You're It! page, second from the bottom. Since then, I've gotten over 12 more tags for Science Fiction alone. That's pretty good for two days.

Also, the book will soon be featured on the Lulu Book Review (LLBR) in a review (hopefully a good one) and will also be placed on Amazon and On top of THAT, I'm going to be interviewed by Dan London of the Lulu Blog.

So, three features on three very well read blogs. I can't wait.

Also, in other news, I'm going to be reading Twilight (the first book). Okay, I'm not a fan of these books. I have hated every word that I've read so far. I have the large print edition reserved at the library (the regular version had a 30-person waiting list. I didn't even want to go there). This is just to add another bad review on Amazon and to see what the heck the hype is all about.

That's about it for this post. See you later.


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